'The Polar Express' is an animated movie, based on a
children's book of the same name, written by Chris Van Allsburg. The
movie, directed by Robert Zemeckis, was released in the year 2004. The
movie has the voices of Tom Hanks, Leslie Harter Zemeckis, Eddie Deezen,
Nona Gaye and Jimmy Bennett. Check out the story/summary of 'The Polar
The Polar Express tells the story of a young boy, who still believes in
Santa Claus and the true spirit of Christmas. It is Christmas Eve and
the boy, who is supposed to be asleep, is lying awake in his room, all
excited and alert. He is waiting silently for the Santa Claus to come,
not even moving for the fear of missing the ringing bells of Santa's
sleigh. It's five minutes to midnight and suddenly, he starts hearing a
thunderous roar. He looks outside his window and sees the most beautiful
sight in the world.
A luminous black train is stopping right in front of his house, in the
middle of the softly falling snowflakes. He rushes outside his house and
comes across the train's conductor. The conductor asks him whether he is
coming, to which the boy replies "Where". The conductor tells
him that the train is 'The Polar Express', which will take him to the
North Pole. The boy gladly gets into the train. After reaching the North
Pole, he is asked by the Santa Claus to choose the first present of
He chooses a bright silver bell from Santa's sleigh, which makes a
beautiful sound. The Santa tells him that the bell represents the spirit
of Christmas and only those who believe in Christmas can hear the sound
of the bell. Thereafter, the Polar Express drops him to his house and he
goes off to sleep in his bed. Years pass by and slowly; most of the
people around him stop hearing the ringing of the bell. Of course, there
are some who can still hear it ringing, those who still truly believe in
the spirit of Christmas.
'The Polar Express' is an
animated movie, released in the year 2004. Know about the
story/summary of 'The Polar Express'.