'The Nightmare Before Christmas' is an animated
musical film, directed by Henry Selick. Based on the drawings and a poem
by Tim Burton, the movie first came out in the year 1993. A 3-D version
of the film was re-released by Walt Disney Pictures on October 20, 2006.
The story of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' revolves around the
inhabitants of Halloween Town, who decide to take over Christmas. Read
on to further to explore the script of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'.
The movie is based in the Halloween Town, an alternate world where the
annual holiday of Halloween is celebrated. Jack Skellington is the
Pumpkin King, who is loved and respected by the town's people. However,
he grows tired of Halloween and one day, discovers a circle of trees in
the woods, which he has never before seen. These trees represent the
connection with the other holiday-themed worlds. Jack is attracted to
the tree that has a door in the shape of a Christmas tree. When Jack
opens the door, he is sucked into the filled with snow, lights, and
happiness, the real world of Christmas, and is mesmerized by everything
he sees.
After returning to his Halloween Town, Jack arranges a town meeting and
tries to explain Christmas to his people. However, they fail to
understand the festival. While conducting experiments to comprehend the
meaning of Christmas, Jack realizes that believing is what the festival
is all about. He then plans to take over the Christmas holiday. Sally is
a rag doll, who is in love with Jack. She makes an attempt to warn Jack
about the consequences of his plan, but in vain. Jack assigns each
person with some task related to the taking over of Christmas, like
sewing a Santa Claus outfit for Jack, making presents, etc.
He even engages the trio of Shock, Lock, and Barrel to "Kidnap the
Sandy Claws (Santa Claus)". They succeed in the task and take the
Santa Claus to their master, Oogie Boogie. On Christmas Eve, Jack leaves
to share Halloween town's toys with the whole world. However, the
citizens of the other world do not like the idea of Halloween-themed
toys on Christmas. The military is called to deal with Jack, the Santa
Claus impostor, who is then shot out of the sky and goes unconscious. At
the same time, Sally attempts to rescue Santa Claus from Oogie Boogie
and in the process, gets herself captured.
Since the real Santa Claus goes missing, the citizens of the real world
decide to cancel the Christmas. After regaining consciousness, Jack gets
to know of this and realizes his foolishness. He then decides to save
Christmas and returns to Halloween Town to save Santa Claus. Jack
manages to rescue Sally and Santa Claus and kill Oogie Boogie. Santa
then restores peace to the real world. Jack returns to his people and
vows to make the next Halloween their best ever. In the end, Jack
realizes that he is in love with Sally and admits his feelings. The end
of the movie has both of them realizing that they are "meant to be".
'The Nightmare Before Christmas'
is an animated movie, released in 1993. Check out the script/story
of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'.