Know more about the history and
origin of Christmas toys that can be used as Christmas tree
decorations and then given as gifts to children at the end of the
Christmas party.
Christmas toys are popular as gifts and Christmas tree decorations. They
are an important part of this festive holiday season and an interesting
history to go with them. Clement Clarke Moore, a distinguished scholar
of his times, read out a poem 'A visit from Saint Nicholas' written by
him as a Christmas gift to his children on 22nd December, 1822. The
description of Moore's St Nicholas was based on his plump and
jolly-natured caretaker, Jay Duyckinck. A guest liked it so much that he
copied it down and sent it to a New York Newspaper called as the 'Troy
Sentinel'. A year later, it was published in it anonymously.
The merry, long-whiskered elf descending down the chimneys with a sack
on his back and filling up the stockings of good children with toys
became so popular that it became an inseparable part of Christmas
forever. Later the Moore's poem was published in a book in 1844. A few
years later, when the toy industry emerged, Santa toys grew most popular
for Christmas. Many of the early toys are prized possessions of the
antiques' market, especially the old tin toys that were first produced
commercially in 1848 by the 'Philadelphia Tin Toy Manufactory'. These
toys were hand-painted and stenciled.

Connecticut clock-maker named George Brown invented moving clock
mechanisms for the toys in 1850s. He invented new designer toys too such
as riverboats, horse-drawn wagons, locomotives and fire-fighting wagons.
Later printed German import toys, old rocking horses, French china
dolls, marbles, miniature tea sets, German penny toys, 'Mr. Potato Head'
with heads made of real potatoes, Japanese spring driven toys, Barbie
dolls, teddy bears, trains and plastic 'Star Wars' spaceships flourished
the markets and were hotly collected. Children were not less excited to
receive newly-released toys in the market as the Christmas gifts and
presents just like today, they are more excited to receive
battery-operated and electronic gizmos. So, enjoy this Christmas with