Here are some tips and ideas
related to Christmas candle decoration ideas and one can make a
fancy Christmas candle at home.
A warm, glowing, colorful candle adds a special and unique touch to
nearly every occasion. Home made candles not only make us proud of our
artwork but look fabulous too when combined with all other seasonal
decorations. They are perfect as Christmas gifts too and would be
especially loved by those who love to keep collectibles. You may choose
a simple to highly elaborate design for your candle depending on your
skill level. Beeswax is most appropriate to make a candle as it easier
to handle and has a nostalgic fragrance to it. However, it is very
fragile and thus, must be used at room temperature only.
You may make candles as simple pillars wrapped with red velvet. To make
them, you need two squares of white colorless beeswax, a large roll of
wicks and a roll of red velvet ribbon, a pair of scissors and glue. Set
the squares diagonally on a flat surface. Cut the wicks to the length of
the wax, tuck the wax over the wick and gently roll it up. Similarly,
make one another candle. Gently push on the bottoms to have a flat end
to stand. Now wrap your candles with red velvet and seat it with glue on
its edges. Decorate it with ribbons and beads as much as you like.

is an alternative candle idea here too. Take two squares of dark green
beeswax, wicks and a box of silver headed or gold headed pins. Set the
squares on a flat surface and fold each in half and break them
lengthwise. Place the wick inside the edge of wax and roll up gently.
Push up the bottoms just like you had done for the first candle to have
a flat end. Then place a circle of pins around the top and bottom of the
candle at regular spacing. You may experiment with wax colors, design
ideas, ribbons and other decoration items too. Listen to your creative
urge. You may use a small holly berry wreath to make a candle base for
your candles too.